RESEARCH GRATNS AWARDED (Partial list, active grants noted in bold)
Years Title and Funding Agency Sum
2021 - 2026 ERC Consolidator Grant: Surface acoustic waves stimulated Brillouin scattering 2.5M USD
2019 - 2023 Israel Science Foundation (ISF): "Opto-mechanics of hybrid-silicon photonic devices" 300k USD
2020 - 2023 LightSense Consortium (Cyprus): Intelligent light sensing for next generation smart grids 60k USD
2020 - 2023 PAZI Foundation: Optical and opto-mechanical distributed sensing of ionizing radiation over fibers 170k USD
2019 - 2022 Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology research program: "Opto-mechanical signal processing devices on silicon chip" 200k USD
2020 - 2022 Israel Innovation Authority MAGNETON Program: Silicon-photonic integrated circuits for data-center communication 180k USD
2016 - 2021 ERC Starter grant: Light and sound waves in silicon and nonlinear glass waveguides 1.8M USD
2017 - 2020 Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology research program: "Opto-Mechanics in Standard and Multi-Core Fibers" 200k USD
2016 - 2019 VW Israel-Lower Saxony Collaboration Research program: "Integrated blocks for optical sinc-shaped Nyquist pulse transmission" 100k USD
2016 - 2019 Membership in the Israeli Chief Scientist Office “Peta-Cloud” consortium, for the development of optical communication for data centers. 150k USD (estimate)
2016 - 2019 Membership in the Israeli Chief Scientist Office “Altia” consortium, for the development of industrial fiber lasers. 150k USD (estimate)
2014 - 2018 Israeli Science Foundation (ISF): “Chalcogenide Glass Fibers and Devices in Photonic Sensing and Signal Processing”. 300k USD
2017 - 2018 Israeli Ministry of Defence (MAFAT) research program: "Coherent laser range finder based on advanced signal 120k USD
2014 - 2015 Israeli Chief Scientist Office MAGNETON program grant for high-resolution fiber sensors within composite materials (together with Xenom Ltd.) 150k USD
2014 - 2015 Israeli Chief Scientist Office NUFAR program grant for fiber-optic monitoring of liquid evaporation for mobile-point-of-care applications 120k USD
2010 - 2015 Membership in the Israeli Chief Scientist Office “Tera Santa” consortium, for the development of future high-rate optical communication. 300k USD
2010 - 2014 Israeli Science Foundation (ISF): “Active Hybrid Silicon Photonic Devices”. 300k USD
2011 - 2013 Israeli Chief Scientist Office KAMIN program grant for the development of high-resolution, long-range stimulated Brillouin scattering sensing of temperature and strain. 240k USD
2011 - 2012 Israeli Chief Scientist Office MAGNETON program grant for the development of tapered semiconductor optical amplifiers 100k USD
2011 - 2011 German-Israeli Foundation Young Researcher Grant: “Photonic Generation of Ultra-Wideband Radio Waveforms”. 40k USD
2010 - 2010 Israeli Science Foundation Equipment Grant for Laboratory of a New Faculty Member. 230k USD

Total grant funds since 2010: the equivalent of ~8 M USD.

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